大力士的传奇旅行 第一季8.4

别名:武神传说/Hercules: The Legendary Journeys

剧情 动作 奇幻 冒险 美国,新西兰1995年

导演:马克·贝斯利 Timothy Bond 状态:全集

主演:凯文·索伯 迈克尔·赫斯特 Meighan Desmond

更新时间:2022-10-29 12:10:44


马克·贝斯利,Timothy Bond导演在1995年拍摄由凯文·索伯,迈克尔·赫斯特,Meighan Desmond主演的欧美剧《大力士的传奇旅行 第一季》又叫《武神传说》

  Hercules is the son of the King of the Gods, Zeus, and a mortal woman, Alcmene. Hera, the Queen of the Gods, is jealous and angry and kills our hero's family with a fireball. Almost letting his grief overtake him, Hercules starts out on a journey to destroy Hera but when his best friend, Iolaus, is captured by the She-Demon and killed because Hercules did not help, our hero rescues Iolaus and the town and kills the She-Demon. Together, Hercules and Iolaus set out to help people in any way they can, getting into all sorts of messes and fighting all sorts of mythical beasts and people and making all kinds of new friends. 所谓的剑与魔法型的 Fantasy ,就是以某一奇幻世界为背景(通常以中古欧洲为蓝图),在里面展开的冒险,通常会充满着各式的战斗与魔法。 其中“剑与魔法”类型又被称为“英雄式奇幻”(Heroic Fantasy),是比较偏向于野蛮、未开化的年代,相当典型的英雄救美式传奇,此类最为着名的当属《王者之剑》(Conan the Barbarian),《战士公主西娜》和《Hercules: The Endless Adventure》也都属此类。 Hercules: The Endless Adventure在美国是个受欢迎的电视影集之一,描述的是中古世纪一位驍勇善战的英雄的故事。

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大力士的传奇旅行 第一季影评


  Hercules is the son of the King of the Gods Zeus and a mortal woman Alcmene. Hera the Queen of the Gods is jealous and angry and kills our hero's family with a fireball. Almost letting his grief overtake him Hercules starts out on a journey to destroy Hera but when his best friend Iolaus is captured by the She-Demon and killed because Hercules did not help our hero res...





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