
别名:/The Rise of Jordan Peterson

纪录片 传记 加拿大2019年

导演:Patricia Marcoccia 状态:

主演:格雷格·赫维兹 乔丹·彼得森 Joe Rogan Donald Trump Adolf Hitler Mikhaila Peterson Ethan Klein Lauren Southern

更新时间:2022-10-15 06:10:06


Patricia Marcoccia导演在2019年拍摄由格雷格·赫维兹,乔丹·彼得森,Joe Rogan,Donald Trump,Adolf Hitler,Mikhaila Peterson,Ethan Klein,Lauren Southern主演的纪录片《乔丹·彼得森的崛起》

  A rare, intimate glimpse into the life and mind of Jordan Peterson, the academic and best-selling author who captured the world's attention with his criticisms of political correctness and his life-changing philosophy on discovering personal meaning. Christened as the most influential public intellectual in the western world, University of Toronto psychology professor Jordan Peterson skyrocketed to fame after he published a controversial viral video series entitled Professor Against Political Correctness in 2016. Within 2 years, he sold over 3 million copies of his self-help book, 12 Rules For Life, and became simultaneously branded by some as an academic rockstar selling out theatres around the world, and by others as a dangerous threat to progressive society. THE RISE OF JORDAN PETERSON intimately traces the transformative period of Peterson's life while visiting rare moments with his family, friends and foes who share their own versions of the Jordan Peterson story.

《乔丹·彼得森的崛起》下载_在线观看由夏沫影院https://m.xiamov.com提供如果您觉得本站不错 请推荐给您的小伙伴们吧。


对这个人的看法一直都没有settle。不能否认他的一些说法——比如个体面对社会问题的解决应该回归自身,诸如『如果停止浪费时间,停止说谎,追求真理,承担更多责任,what power you can have?』在一些困难时期帮助了我,而且到现在我也认为这是对的;但另一方面他的一些关于性别,LGBT等的论述让人无比困惑,有时我觉得他的表达仿佛和他真正的想法不同,或者他的表达只说出了part of t...


  A rare intimate glimpse into the life and mind of Jordan Peterson the academic and best-selling author who captured the world's attention with his criticisms of political correctness and his life-changing philosophy on discovering personal meaning. Christened as the most influential public intellectual in the western world University of Toronto psychology professor Jordan Pe...


难道天朝没有跨性别者 没有同性恋 没有变性人么?不,只是他们被静音了 。不会有人为他们的权益唇枪舌剑,甚而上街游行集会。同一个世界,不同的次元,中国与世界断联。中国人民还沉浸在能吃饱饭的喜悦中,人权什么的,以后再说吧。


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