The Lost Treasure0.0



导演:Stella Tinucci 状态:高清版

主演:Stella Tinucci Angelica Quinn Josh Margulies Dezmond Gilla Terry Bookhart

更新时间:2022-08-17 06:08:10


Stella Tinucci导演在2022年拍摄由Stella Tinucci,Angelica Quinn,Josh Margulies,Dezmond Gilla,Terry Bookhart主演的美国剧情片《The Lost Treasure》

  A treasure hunter (Josh Margulies) discovers an old journal that, along with a compass he inherited as a boy, leads to an ancient Hawaiian secret that's been lost for generations. This powerful staff is known to contain a mystical force that could destroy the island. But his greedy rival (Dezmond Gilla) is determined to secure the staff's power for himself, leading to a cat-and-mouse game through the wild Hawaiian rainforest.

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The Lost Treasure影评

  A treasure hunter (Josh Margulies) discovers an old journal that along with a compass he inherited as a boy leads to an ancient Hawaiian secret that's been lost for generations. This powerful staff is known to contain a mystical force that could destroy the island. But his greedy rival (Dezmond Gilla) is determined to secure the staff's power for himself leading to a cat-and...


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