更新时间:2022-08-15 07:08:08


萨班·佛拉严导演在2022年拍摄由XXXTentacion,Cleopatra Bernard,Craig J. Gordwin,Minh Nguyen,Geneva W. Ayala,John Cunningham,Stokely Goulbourne,Cinthia Perez,Jenesis Sanchez,Solomon Sobande,朱斯·沃尔德主演的综艺《看看我》

  Can and should we distinguish the artist from his actions? That’s probably the question many fans have asked themselves about XXXtentacion, the uncrowned king of emotional Soundcloud hip-hop. He could literally beat his girlfriend with one hand, while with the other hand on the phone he could connect deeply and sincerely with his fans about depression and suicidal thoughts. Janseh Onfroy himself barely managed to grow up to become one of the most streamed rappers of his generation before life in the fast lane came to an abrupt end at the age of 20. Through his own footage and conversations with the people around him, we learn how a life of childhood violence, substance abuse and bipolar disorder paved the tragic way for his success and his unforgivable behaviour.

《看看我》2024最新下载_在线观看由夏沫影院https://m.xiamov.com提供如果您觉得本站不错 请推荐给您的小伙伴们吧。


  Can and should we distinguish the artist from his actions? That’s probably the question many fans have asked themselves about XXXtentacion the uncrowned king of emotional Soundcloud hip-hop. He could literally beat his girlfriend with one hand while with the other hand on the phone he could connect deeply and sincerely with his fans about depression and suicidal thoughts. Jan...

long live X.

一个富有天赋的人,成长在一个人充满了网络暴力、枪支、毒品,缺少爱和安全感的环境。年少成名或许对于Jahseh来说并不是件好事。 偏执的性格中包含着自我毁灭的脆弱,Jahseh无疑是渴望爱又厌恶暴力的,但是他追寻流量和爱的道路又诉诸于暴力。在混沌中徘徊,无法活到21岁的自证预言,最终还是在Jahseh身上印证了 “很不幸我们活在一个大家都喜欢看热闹和一些不好事情的世界”。 整部纪...


Tired of being tired.


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