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导演:Ray Klonsky Marc Lamy 状态:高清版

主演:Ray Klonsky McCallum

更新时间:2022-08-15 04:08:16


Ray Klonsky, Marc Lamy导演在2014年拍摄由Ray Klonsky,McCallum主演的加拿大剧情片《David Me》

  The Thin Blue Line influenced a generation of filmmakers to use documentary methods to free those imprisoned for crimes they didn’t commit. Filmmaker Ray Klonsky wasn’t alive when 16-year-old Brooklyn teenager David McCallum was arrested for the kidnapping, robbery and murder of Nathan Blenner. David and friend Willie Stuckey were convicted and sentenced to 25 years to life in prison for those crimes. Their conviction in 1985 lacked physical evidence and was based on coerced testimonies and a questionable police investigation. Ray’s father introduced his troubled teenager to David, and after hearing his story, Ray vowed to find the evidence that would vindicate his friend while creating a documentary of his process. The emotional rollercoaster of parole hearings and new investigative discoveries leads to dramatic moments surrounding David’s potential release. Ray’s determination, along with help from Rubin Hurricane Carter, makes this an emotional story about friendship, perseverance and an unwavering belief in justice. Alexander Rogalski

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David Me影评

  The Thin Blue Line influenced a generation of filmmakers to use documentary methods to free those imprisoned for crimes they didn’t commit. Filmmaker Ray Klonsky wasn’t alive when 16-year-old Brooklyn teenager David McCallum was arrested for the kidnapping robbery and murder of Nathan Blenner. David and friend Willie Stuckey were convicted and sentenced to 25 years to life in ...

话题其实很值得思考 司法不公源于1.当年纽约警方为了平息社会不安而不断制造假案2.20多年前科技不发达而取证困难 另一方面 青少年单薄的法律意识让他在牢狱中承担不白之冤28年 这一切使得翻案希望既渺茫亦有所期待 filmmakers从技术和主线挖掘都很过关 线索铺垫也清晰明了 主创等都在首映悉数到场


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