Meet the Donors: Does Money Talk?0.0


纪录片 美国2016年

导演:亚历山德拉·佩洛西 状态:高清版

主演:亚历山德拉·佩洛西 Julian Robertson Bernard L. Schwartz Carolyn Maloney 哈伊姆·萨班

更新时间:2022-08-04 11:08:09


亚历山德拉·佩洛西导演在2016年拍摄由亚历山德拉·佩洛西,Julian Robertson,Bernard L. Schwartz,Carolyn Maloney,哈伊姆·萨班主演的美国剧情片《Meet the Donors: Does Money Talk?》

  With the 2016 election shaping up to be the most expensive in U.S. history, candidates from both political parties are relying on big donors to get their message out to the American people. Intrepid filmmaker Alexandra Pelosi takes viewers behind the scenes to top-dollar fundraisers and talks with some of these high-rollers to find out why they are pouring millions into our elections.

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