更新时间:2022-08-02 07:08:06


David Cocheret导演在2014年拍摄由康斯坦斯·布伦尼曼,Steve Wilcox,基隆·埃利奥特,Troy Blendell,Liza Seneca,Tiffany Lowery,杰姬·R·雅各布森,Darin Singleton,Louise Martin,金埃斯特斯,Ben Faigus,Kay D'Arcy,Jon Baggio主演的美国恐怖片《黑夜之眼》

  When Linda tries to escape her abusive relationship, she discovers unexpected resources that she could never have imagined... Professional illustrator Linda Raines has been feeling off kilter since her break-up. Her ex-boyfriend Michael, a respected psychotherapist and author, has just been cleared of accusations of murdering his ex-wife, leaving Linda unsure of what to believe. As she is recovering she begins to hear voices and experience visions, only furthering her anxiety and confusion. Her boss Paul urges her to escape the city and stay at his secluded vacation house while she recovers. Once there Linda's struggle with reality intensifies, and the intensity of her visions force her to question everything she sees and hears. Yet one voice is so real that it's becoming too loud to ignore... Linda is losing her grip. If she can not learn to trust her Night Eyes, her past may catch up and destroy her mind, body, and spirit.

《黑夜之眼》BD高清下载_在线观看由夏沫影院https://m.xiamov.com提供如果您觉得本站不错 请推荐给您的小伙伴们吧。


成都到阿姆KLM飞机上看的 以为是消失的爱人同类型 有点失望

  When Linda tries to escape her abusive relationship she discovers unexpected resources that she could never have imagined... Professional illustrator Linda Raines has been feeling off kilter since her break-up. Her ex-boyfriend Michael a respected psychotherapist and author has just been cleared of accusations of murdering his ex-wife leaving Linda unsure of what to believe...



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