更新时间:2022-07-30 01:07:09


Giovanna Morales Vargas导演在2018年拍摄由Elly Mayday,Laura Wells,Kerosene Deluxe,Laura Agudelo,Hanna Amar,Muriel Amar,Jihan Amer,Linda Bacon,丹尼斯.贝多特,Jessica Biffi,Georgina Burke,Tracy Cake,Pauline Clavel,Luisa Fernanda Cobos,Sarah Conley,Eden Miller,Cameron Silver主演的加拿大剧情片《完美尺码》又叫《Talla 14》

  A Perfect 14 explores the fascinating world of plus-size modelling and the women involved who are fighting to reshape fashion and the standards of society. This film follows the journeys of three plus-size models as they struggle against the distorted perception of body image that is being perpetuated in people's minds. These women share their personal experiences of challenges and successes to help empower themselves and others to eradicate the currently held standards of beauty.

《完美尺码》BD高清下载_在线观看由夏沫影院https://m.xiamov.com提供如果您觉得本站不错 请推荐给您的小伙伴们吧。


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