
更新时间:2022-07-23 10:07:05


阿什利·阿维斯导演在2016年拍摄由米莎·巴顿,杰克逊·戴维斯,雯特·艾娃·佐莉,特伦特·福特,Dana Rosendorff,Michael Milford,Kelly Brannigan,Tyler Sellers,兰斯·亨利克森,杰克·布塞,塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫,Gerry Bednob,Heidi James,Dawn Vicknair,Alfred Rubin Thompson主演的海外剧《几近荒芜》又叫《Desert Storm/險境(台)》

  When twenty-four-year-old Jae is released from prison for killing her mother, she returns to her childhood home in small-town Ridgecrest. The desire to go anywhere but there prompts her to agree to join her brother on a road trip out to Death Valley - which results in getting them hopelessly lost in the most stunning, but unforgiving topographical terrain on the planet.

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