更新时间:2022-07-19 08:07:07


彼得·沙利文导演在2020年拍摄由Carly Hughes,罗勃·梅耶斯,玛丽·奥斯蒙,阿洛马·赖特,艾米丽·阿拉比,Langi Tuifua,Rick Macy,James Jamison,Cindy Perez,安妮·斯瓦德,Richard Benedict主演的美国爱情片《The Christmas Edition》

  It's Christmas time and Jackie (Carly Hughes), an up-and-coming journalist, finds that her life is at a crossroads until she finds an unexpected opportunity - to run a small-town newspaper in Alaska. Jackie decides to give it a try and relocates to the picture-perfect town. Using a series of Christmas articles, she's able to quickly return the newspaper to profitability and soon falls in love - both with her new home and the handsome son of the paper's former owner. However, when her old boss announces plans to take over the paper for herself, Jackie will need a Christmas miracle to save it.

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The Christmas Edition影评

  It's Christmas time and Jackie (Carly Hughes) an up-and-coming journalist finds that her life is at a crossroads until she finds an unexpected opportunity - to run a small-town newspaper in Alaska. Jackie decides to give it a try and relocates to the picture-perfect town. Using a series of Christmas articles she's able to quickly return the newspaper to profitability and soo...


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