更新时间:2022-07-16 06:07:04


Brad J. Silverman导演在2020年拍摄由小迈克尔,Chonda Pierce,詹姆斯·丹顿,凯伦·阿伯克龙比,Jamie Grace,约翰尼·帕卡,Dahlia Waingort,Shelby Simmons,Jalon Christian,Shelley Dennis,Charissa Saverio,Emily Tosta,帕特·费恩,Maurice Hall,Peter A. Hulne主演的美国喜剧片《Selfie Dad》又叫《Selfie Dad the Movie》

  Spiraling into a mid-life crisis and feeling disconnected from his family, Ben Marcus, a reality-TV editor, thinks he can only be happy by fulfilling his dream of becoming a professional comedian. Ben posts his stand-up routines to YouTube, and the videos fall flat. Then his tweener son posts Ben miserably failing on a home improvement project, and much to his teenage daughter's dismay, it goes viral, launching Ben's social-media career as Selfie Dad. Although he quickly becomes an award-winning phenom, no amount of success brings Ben satisfaction. Through his friendship with a young coworker, Mickey, Ben finds the secret to a happy family . . . with his Bible in one hand, and his phone in the other.

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Selfie Dad影评

  Spiraling into a mid-life crisis and feeling disconnected from his family Ben Marcus a reality-TV editor thinks he can only be happy by fulfilling his dream of becoming a professional comedian. Ben posts his stand-up routines to YouTube and the videos fall flat. Then his tweener son posts Ben miserably failing on a home improvement project and much to his teenage daughter'...



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