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别名:妖魔梦/Episode 50

惊悚 恐怖 美国2011年

导演:Joe Smalley Tess Smalley 状态:高清版

主演:Josh Folan 克里斯·佩里 Natalie Wetta

更新时间:2022-07-06 07:07:06


Joe Smalley,Tess Smalley导演在2011年拍摄由Josh Folan,克里斯·佩里,Natalie Wetta主演的美国恐怖片《情节50》又叫《妖魔梦》

  Focuses on two television crews of paranormal experts: one team of skeptics looking to de-bunk myths about ghosts and another consisting of believers looking to prove their existence. Teaming up for the first time for a special episode, the crews get more then they bargained for when they actually make contact with a spirit of tremendous power and must band together to stop it before it destroys them all.

《情节50》BD高清下载_在线观看由夏沫影院https://m.xiamov.com提供如果您觉得本站不错 请推荐给您的小伙伴们吧。


  Focuses on two television crews of paranormal experts: one team of skeptics looking to de-bunk myths about ghosts and another consisting of believers looking to prove their existence. Teaming up for the first time for a special episode the crews get more then they bargained for when they actually make contact with a spirit of tremendous power and must band together to stop it ...



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