更新时间:2022-07-06 07:07:05


巴朗·戴维斯,Steven V. Vasquez Jr.,Carl Reid导演在2021年拍摄由大卫·阿奎特,汤米·利斯特,史努比狗狗,泰西·劳伦斯,卡利托·奥利维罗,Lou Beatty Jr.,Melanie Mosley,鲁本·加菲亚斯,Megan Sousa,巴朗·戴维斯,Anthony McKinley,卡尔森·奈利,Valeria Vallejos,Andrew Lipson,Scarlett Lopez,Victor Salvatore,Jackie Torres,Makena Cook,Nathan Dana,Boni B. Alvarez,Jamilka Gonzalez,Brit主演的美国喜剧片《多米诺:役骨之战》

  DOMINO: BATTLE OF THE BONES follows a competitive domino player from Compton who reluctantly agrees to babysit his nerdy stepson. When he discovers the kid’s crazy domino skills, the two put aside their differences and team up to win the domino tournament. But, they aren’t the only team bringing their A-Game, as heavy hitters from every block throw down, each with a special trick up their sleeve.

《多米诺:役骨之战》BD高清下载_在线观看由夏沫影院https://m.xiamov.com提供如果您觉得本站不错 请推荐给您的小伙伴们吧。


  DOMINO: BATTLE OF THE BONES follows a competitive domino player from Compton who reluctantly agrees to babysit his nerdy stepson. When he discovers the kid’s crazy domino skills the two put aside their differences and team up to win the domino tournament. But they aren’t the only team bringing their A-Game as heavy hitters from every block throw down each with a special tri...


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