
别名:/The Cat and the Canary

喜剧 悬疑 惊悚 恐怖 家庭 美国1939年

导演:埃利奥特·纽金特 状态:高清版

主演:Elliott Nugent

更新时间:2022-06-23 07:06:05


埃利奥特·纽金特导演在1939年拍摄由Elliott Nugent主演的美国恐怖片《猫与金丝雀》

  Ten years have passed since the death of millionaire, Cyrus Norman. Cosby, Cyrus’ attorney, has gathered Cyrus’ 6 remaining relatives to his New Orleans’ mansion for Cyrus’ “reading of the will”. To the others disappointment, Joyce is the sole heir, but, due to a streak of insanity running in the family, a second will has been made in case Joyce falls victim to it. This puts Joyce in danger. Suddenly, Miss Lu, Cyrus’ maid, appears and warns them that the spirits have told her that one of them will die that night. Following this, Hendrick, a prison guard, warns them that, “The Cat”, a homicidal maniac has escaped. This sets up Cyrus’ relatives with a night filled with murders, mysteries and intrigue.

《猫与金丝雀》BD高清下载_在线观看由夏沫影院https://m.xiamov.com提供如果您觉得本站不错 请推荐给您的小伙伴们吧。


完全不恐怖,也没觉得很好笑,Gale Sondergaard真是个有特色的演员。

翻拍的长处与短处 Cast:Gale Sondergaard;Paulette Goddard;Douglass Montgomery


中英文特效字幕 : https://zimuku.org/subs/57475.html

  Ten years have passed since the death of millionaire Cyrus Norman. Cosby Cyrus’ attorney has gathered Cyrus’ 6 remaining relatives to his New Orleans’ mansion for Cyrus’ “reading of the will”. To the others disappointment Joyce is the sole heir but due to a streak of insanity running in the family a second will has been made in case Joyce falls victim to it. This puts Jo...


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