首页  >  电影  >  雨过天晴


别名:忽雨忽晴/Come Rain Come Shine


导演:内详 状态:高清版

主演:Freddie Annobil-Dodoo Kellie Bright David Jason Shaun Evans

更新时间:2015-02-11 07:02:35


2010年拍摄由Freddie Annobil-Dodoo,Kellie Bright,David Jason,Shaun Evans主演的电影《雨过天晴》又叫《忽雨忽晴》

Retired docker Don and his wife Dora live cautiously within their means. Their daughter Joanne, a single parent, struggles to make ends meet but their property developer son David has a very high life style,mixing in circles far removed from his working class upbringing. However it is a lifestyle financed by credit and soon his world has crashed and burned. His wife takes a supermarket job and his son sells his computer games at school to raise cash as the trio move in with Don and Dora. But David persuades his father to mortgage his home and come up with fifty thousand pounds for a supposedly sound investment. It is no such thing and Don loses the lot. Aware at last that his son is a selfish wheeler dealer,cheating on his wife,Don ends up in hospital after suffering a coronary. Can the family pull together and teach David some humility in order to restore mutual trust?

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以前窝在沙发里全家一起看的,平凡中能让人体会什么是家,什么是爱和责任,什么是患难与共?Come rain Or Come shine 又有什么关系呢,只要知道自己一直都在一部分人的视线中,总能走得很潇洒。


  Retired docker Don and his wife Dora live cautiously within their means. Their daughter Joanne a single parent struggles to make ends meet but their property developer son David has a very high life stylemixing in circles far removed from his working class upbringing. However it is a lifestyle financed by credit and soon his world has crashed and burned. His wife takes a sup...

好久没见这样的英国电影 上一部算是Judi Dench的在瑞士的日子 风格都很吸引人


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