Porn Star Zombies0.0


喜剧 恐怖 美国2009年

导演:Keith Emerson 状态:高清版

主演:Joshua Cameron

更新时间:2015-02-10 09:02:45


Keith Emerson导演在2009年拍摄由Joshua Cameron主演的美国喜剧片《Porn Star Zombies》

A group of adult film cast and crew members must discover what is causing their fellow stars to rabidly attack them.
Two aspiring adult filmmakers rent a dilapidated studio in a strip mall to make a low budget porn film - it all looks like some easy money for everyone. . .until the actors start turning into zombies!
The girls are sexy, the filmmakers are inept, and the gore is everywhere! Porn Star Zombies is a hilarious send up of 70s low budget films in all of their grainy, black and white glory, with a rocking soundtrack that will take you back to your favorite grindhouse classics!

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Porn Star Zombies影评

  A group of adult film cast and crew members must discover what is causing their fellow stars to rabidly attack them.   Two aspiring adult filmmakers rent a dilapidated studio in a strip mall to make a low budget porn film - it all looks like some easy money for everyone. . .until the actors start turning into zombies!   The girls are sexy the filmmakers are inept and the gore is ...


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