
别名:铁道战斗,铁路英烈传,铁路之战,铁路的战斗,The Battle of the Rails/La bataille du rail

剧情 战争 法国1946年

导演:雷内·克莱芒 状态:高清版

主演:Marcel Barnault 让·克拉里厄 吉恩·道兰德 Jacques Desagneaux 弗朗索瓦·茹 Pierre Latour Tony Laurent 罗伯特·李·雷

更新时间:2022-05-19 02:05:05


雷内·克莱芒导演在1946年拍摄由Marcel Barnault,让·克拉里厄,吉恩·道兰德,Jacques Desagneaux,弗朗索瓦·茹,Pierre Latour,Tony Laurent,罗伯特·李·雷主演的法国剧情片《铁路战斗队》又叫《铁道战斗,铁路英烈传,铁路之战,铁路的战斗,The Battle of the Rails》

  La Bataille du Rail (Battle of the Rails) is regarded by many cineastes as the one truly great French resistance film. Based on fact, the episodic plotline details the courageous efforts by French railray workers to sabotage Nazi reinforcement-troop trains. The film's thesis is that this underground activity was largely responsible for the allied victory on D-Day. Writer-director Rene Clement enhanced the reality of the story by filming on actual locations and using genuine railway employees and resistance fighters in the cast. Admittedly slow going at times, La Bataille du Rail is more successful as a morale-booster than as pure entertainment.

《铁路战斗队》BD高清下载_在线观看由夏沫影院https://m.xiamov.com提供如果您觉得本站不错 请推荐给您的小伙伴们吧。


  La Bataille du Rail (Battle of the Rails) is regarded by many cineastes as the one truly great French resistance film. based on fact the episodic plotline details the courageous efforts by French railray workers to sabotage Nazi reinforcement-troop trains. The film's thesis is that this underground activity was largely responsible for the allied victory on D-Day. Writer-dire...


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