军情五处 第五季8.3

别名:反恐谍报战(台) 第五季,神出鬼没 第五季,谍影生涯 第五季,MI-5 Season 5/Spooks

剧情 动作 犯罪 英国2006年

导演:Sam Miller 朱利安·霍姆斯 状态:10集全

主演:鲁伯特·彭利-琼斯 米兰达·莱森 赫米奥娜·诺里斯 彼得·弗斯

更新时间:2022-07-13 09:07:03


Sam Miller,朱利安·霍姆斯导演在2006年拍摄由鲁伯特·彭利-琼斯,米兰达·莱森,赫米奥娜·诺里斯,彼得·弗斯主演的欧美剧《军情五处 第五季》又叫《反恐谍报战(台) 第五季,神出鬼没 第五季,谍影生涯 第五季,MI-5 Season 5》

  In the fifth season of the British espionage thriller, Harry Pearce and Adam Carter begin to suspect that members of the British establishment are creating a crisis in order to bring about a change of government. In the opening episodes Juliet Shaw encounters a car bomb, and her life is changed forever. Plus we meet former MI-5, turned MI-6 officer Ros Myers (Hermione Norris), who discovers a shocking family connection to the season's game-changing conspiracy.

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军情五处 第五季影评

最甜蜜的老年组,e3-e5 harry约ruth去餐厅,大起大落,最后分开

编剧一定吃错了,这季从弥尔顿到惠特曼到布鲁克,丢文艺梗跟吃饭一样真的大丈夫?|||六年后依然在坑底的我来补一个Harry跟Ruth的三次元过期糖:扮演Ruth的Nicola Walker的儿子名字叫Harry, name after Harry Pearce。她老公(S3E5里头Ruth had a crash的那个)疯了哈哈哈哈。Peter Firth塑造了一个好角色。这两位塑造了一对经典CP。...



  In the fifth season of the British espionage thriller Harry Pearce and Adam Carter begin to suspect that members of the British establishment are creating a crisis in order to bring about a change of government. In the opening episodes Juliet Shaw encounters a car bomb and her life is changed forever. Plus we meet former MI-5 turned MI-6 officer Ros Myers (Hermione Norris) ...


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