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Petrang Kabayo0.0



导演:Wenn V. Deramas 状态:高清版

主演:Vice Ganda Luis Manzano Abby Bautista

更新时间:2015-02-10 03:02:05


Wenn V. Deramas导演在2010年拍摄由Vice Ganda,Luis Manzano,Abby Bautista主演的电影《Petrang Kabayo》

Peter is a boy who is always maltreated by his father because of his homosexuality. He decided to runaway and found out that he is a horseback owner. But, he becomes a mean horse owner. Because of that, he was given a curse that transformed him to a horse. When he gets angry, said something or do anything bad to others, he will be transformed into a horse.

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