更新时间:2016-09-02 09:09:56


Timothy,Woodward,Jr.导演在2015年拍摄由Tom,Sizemore,Timothy,Woodward,Jr.,米莎·巴顿,迈克尔·帕尔,杰瑞米·伦敦,Matt,Cinquanta,Said,Faraj,Christopher,Alexander,Isaac,C.,Singleton,Jr.,Jayde,Rossi,Aria,London,Omid,Zader,Tara,Phillips,Kerry,Knuppe,Catherine,Fetsco主演的美国动作片《24小时》又叫《Countdown to Zero》

  Attack on an event hosted by a local government official, the kidnapping of several public figures, and the threat of the detonation of a biological weapon. Despite the recent loss of his partner, one detective must race against the clock to save the hostages and prevent a major outbreak of a deadly disease.

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