埃默里维尔实验 0.0

别名:/Emeryville/The Emeryville Experiments


导演:Pritesh Chheda 状态:高清版

主演:Rebecca Chulew Don Daro Tess Cline Deborah Abbott Mark Reininga Eric Reinholt Brett Brock Shayla Bagir Nardeep Khurmi Pritesh Chheda David Sturgeon D.J. Morrison Jacob Bitzer Dan Eggleston Isabel Riley


更新时间:2016-08-21 10:08:07


Pritesh,Chheda导演在2016年拍摄由Rebecca,Chulew,Don,Daro,Tess,Cline,Deborah,Abbott,Mark,Reininga,Eric,Reinholt,Brett,Brock,Shayla,Bagir,Nardeep,Khurmi,Pritesh,Chheda,David,Sturgeon,D.J.,Morrison,Jacob,Bitzer,Dan,Eggleston,Isabel,Riley主演的美国恐怖片《埃默里维尔实验 》


四个大学生,从春假回来,崩溃他们的汽车在一个孤立的新英格兰乡村。在无处中间搁浅,他们寻求帮助埃默里维尔 - 一个古老,破旧的西文村,从地图。一个看似彬彬有礼村看守延伸到过夜,直到机械师可以在下面早上到达一个地方的要约。随着夜幕降临迅速接近,该集团是不是留下了一个选择。随着时间的推移,新来者发现埃默里维尔曾经是秘密的临床实验偏差去的理由。它慢慢地变得清晰,居民极不正常,他们的社会由一组规则遵守。而这样的一个规则是,“我们保持我们需要的人。”从文明与恐惧在他们的生活在偏远的村庄困哩,该组绘制逃生。当村民们才意识到,他们的逃跑可能威胁埃默里维尔的生存,该集团发现自己被一个疯子的怪追杀品种

  Four college students, returning from spring break, crash their car in an isolated New England countryside. Stranded in middle of nowhere, they seek help in Emeryville - an old, dilapidated western village, off the map. A seemingly well-mannered village caretaker extends an offer of a place to stay the night until a mechanic can arrive the following morning. With nightfall quickly approaching, the group isn't left with a choice. As time passes, the new comers discover that Emeryville was once a ground for secret clinical experiments gone awry. It slowly becomes clear that the residents are far from normal and that their society abides by a set of rules. And one such rule is, "We keep the ones we need". Trapped in remote village miles from civilization & fearing for their lives, the group plots an escape. When the villagers realize that their escape could threaten Emeryville's very existence, the group finds themselves hunted by a strange breed of crazies

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