Bert and Arnie's Guide to Friendship4.7


喜剧 美国2012年

导演:Jeff Kaplan 状态:高清版

主演:安娜·克鲁姆斯基 Adrian Martinez 克里斯汀 米利欧缇

更新时间:2015-02-13 01:02:01


Jeff Kaplan导演在2012年拍摄由安娜·克鲁姆斯基,Adrian Martinez,克里斯汀 米利欧缇主演的美国喜剧片《Bert and Arnie's Guide to Friendship》又叫《阴错阳差》

Bert Sheering is a sensitive professor and author of feminist literature who deep down churns with sexual frustration. Arnie Hubert is a loud, obnoxious, womanizing businessman who's completely oblivious to how inappropriate he is in almost every situation -- even when he falls madly in love with his new female boss, Sabrina. Bert and Arnie eventually come to realize that they are actually two sides of the same emotionally inept coin. In the tradition of Annie Hall, Manhattan and When Harry Met Sally, Bert and Arnie's Guide to Friendship is a smartly written, fast-paced New York comedy you'll want to see with a friend. Written by Sal Irizarry

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