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别名:The Broken Glass Theory/La Teoría de los Vidrios Rotos

喜剧 乌拉圭 / 阿根廷 / 巴西2021年

导演:Diego Fernández 状态:高清版

主演:吉列尔莫·阿伦戈 Roberto Birindelli Christian Font Carlos Frasca Jenny Galvan 卢西奥·埃尔南德斯 Lourdes Kauffmann Roberto More Verónica Perrotta Martin Slipak Jorge Temponi Josefina Trias 凯撒·特龙科索


更新时间:2024-02-05 12:02:07


Diego Fernández导演在2021年拍摄由吉列尔莫·阿伦戈,Roberto Birindelli,Christian Font,Carlos Frasca,Jenny Galvan,卢西奥·埃尔南德斯,Lourdes Kauffmann,Roberto More,Verónica Perrotta,Martin Slipak,Jorge Temponi,Josefina Trias,凯撒·特龙科索主演的乌拉圭 / 阿根廷 / 巴西喜剧片《破窗理论》又叫《The Broken Glass Theory》

  Claudio is promoted to policy coordinator at the Santa Marta insurance company, which he must represent in a remote and small city, where after arriving numerous cars begin to be set on fire. Claudio is pressured to cover car insurance in a hostile environment, and as he tries to clear up the fires he discovers that many things are not what appears to be.

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