
更新时间:2023-11-15 03:11:03


斯蒂芬·麦克斯韦·约翰逊导演在2020年拍摄由西蒙·贝克,卡兰·马尔韦,杰克·汤普森,凯伦·皮斯托里斯,瑞安·柯尔,John Bray,约翰·布鲁普顿,Jimmy Cooper,James Demsey,Frances Djubiling,Thomas Falck,大卫·菲尔德,Mark Garrawurra,Mick Glancy,Wakarra Gondarra,安迪·麦克菲,亚伦·佩德森主演的澳大利亚恐怖片《高地行动》

  1919. After fighting in WWI as a sniper Travis, now a Policeman in the vast empty spaces of northern Australia, loses control of an operation that results in the massacre of an Indigenous tribe. After his superiors insist on burying the truth Travis leaves in disgust, only to be forced back twelve years later to hunt down Baywara, an Aboriginal warrior whose attacks on new-settlers are causing havoc. When Travis recruits mission-raised Gutjuk, the only known massacre-survivor as his Tracker, the truth of the past is revealed and Travis becomes the hunted.

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